Does Email Marketing Really Work Anymore?

There are plenty of businesses that prove the effectiveness of e-mail marketing. Many people feel that the world of social media has rendered e-mail marketing obsolete. After all, can something as basic as an inbox message compete with rich profile photos, videos, and thousands of followers? The answer is yes. E-mail marketing is not going away anytime soon because it still works like magic for brands targeting their desired audience.

Why Does E-mail marketing Work?

Email is the most accessible, cost-effective, and trackable way to reach your target audience. It’s also a medium that provides the most direct line of communication between you and your customers. Businesses and brands have been using this tried-and-true method to reach their audience for decades, and it has proven itself to be an effective way to communicate with customers and prospective clients on many occasions. Email has low cost per acquisition (CPA) rates and high return on investment (ROI) rates. For this reason, businesses of all sizes — from local coffee shops to multinational corporations — use email marketing to increase brand awareness and drive sales. Many businesses have been using it for so long that customers have come to expect to receive bulk email messages from brands. As long as you’re sending out emails that are relevant and helpful, recipients are likely to appreciate receiving them.

What Should You Include in Your E-mail Marketing Campaign?

  • Offer incentives to subscribe – At the very least, you’ll want to have a compelling headline that encourages subscribers to click the “subscribe” button. You can also offer incentives, such as discounts and freebies, for subscribers to sign up for your email messages.
  • Be helpful – Above all else, you need to be helpful. Your e-mail marketing campaign should focus on providing value to your readers. You should be providing helpful information that your audience will find useful, such as educational content, insightful and relevant industry facts, etc.
  • Be consistent – Finally, be consistent. You don’t want to send one e-mail marketing campaign and then disappear for months on end only to suddenly reappear. Ideally, you should have a consistent schedule and send out emails on a regular basis so that your subscribers don’t forget about you.

E-mail marketing is an extremely effective marketing tool that can be used to drive brand awareness and generate leads and sales. To make your email marketing strategy as effective as possible, you’ll need to first segment your email lists and then create compelling content that your subscribers will find helpful and valuable. Be consistent with your emails, and people will begin to look forward to receiving them.